Design Uncut Live from KBIS Virtual 2021

Perhaps the biggest commodity during the pandemic and possibly for years to come is “space”. Not the one with the moon and the stars – although taking the next shuttle out of here may sound intriguing at times – but the one in our homes.

Lighting pro and author of Delivered Lumens blog, James Bedell and acoustics expert George Walter, CEO of Reyva are sharing their top tips and solutions to make infrequently used spaces capable of doing double or triple duty.

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Veronika Miller - Modenus Media CEO

A former kitchen & bath designer, Modenus Media CEO Veronika has combined the best of her favorite worlds - Marketing & Design - to pursue her mission to connect and engage design industry communities online, at trade shows and through individual collaborations. Veronika personally consults with leading trade shows, associations and brands and Modenus Media, founded by Veronika in 2010, is a trusted partner to many leading manufacturers through its successful Design Influencer Network #designhounds, the Modenus Design Directory , the Kitchen + Bath Industry Group on Facebook and now, Design Uncut. Follow Veronika everywhere on social media at @modenus or #designhounds.